Now, listen up boys and girls. Your parents may have been receiving some mis-information from those evil Nazi's waving tea bags around and as your divinely-appointed leader, it is my duty to re-educate you so that you may become responsible global citizens. I was planning to do this back in September, but it seems that, um, the timing wasn't quite right.
We'll begin with the ABCs...
A is for Alinsky, ACORN, and apology
B is for bailouts, bonuses and Bernanke
C is for climate- change, czars and Chrysler
D is for debt, deniability and distraction
E is for entitlement, economy and entitlement again
F is for Fed, freedom [to do exactly what you are told] and Fairness Doctrine
G is for green, Gitmo and GM
H is for health care, Hillary, and H1N1
I is for ideologue, illegal immigrants and interest
J is for Jeremiah Wright and justice- the social kind
K is for knuckles- the brass kind, Kennedy and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
L is for liberalism, legislation and land grab
M is for medicare, misinformation and Marxism
N is for NBC, Nasdaq and Nazis
O is for Obama [and nobody else]
P is for Progressive, polar bears and Pelosi
Q is for qualified, quadrupled-debt and
R is for Rasmussen, racism and reconciliation
S is for shame, single-payer and stimulus
T is for TARP, taxes and Treasury
U is for unconstitutional, unions and East Anglia University
V is for Venezuela, vendetta and Valerie Jarrett
W is for wall Street, water-boarding and windfall profits
X is for eXtremists- the tea baggers I mentioned before
Y is for You Tube, Yemen and Yellow
Z is for Jay-Z, Zelaya and Zimbabwe
Tomorrow, you will be taught "new" math by Ben Bernanke. 'Social Studies' will be permanently replaced with 'Social Justice' and will be taught by Van Jones. For extra credit, you can attend a quick lesson on how to use Turbo Tax by Tim Geitner. I will personally be teaching you about all 57 of our glorious United States. Lunch will be served by the SEIU.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Being on the Wrong Side of the Right Party
I have written about this before and about my fears that this particular "problem" would get worse. I have voiced my dissension [as always] that conservative does not always equal Christian and Pagan does not always equal liberal. These are stereotypes and, although stereotypes are regrettably based on statistical fact, they are not absolute truth. This divisive and, frankly, destructive thinking was the single reason why I extricated myself from the Lexington 9/12 organization- a handful of Christian fundamentalists felt that their religious preference was more of a mantle for conservatism than liberty itself. I have relayed the specifics in the past, so I won't rehash them.
The other day while listening to The Pulse on WLAP [that's talk radio for all you younguns, AM], as I am known to do, Pagans endured yet another slap from the Christian base. While admitting that the majority of Christmas holiday traditions are integrated from Pagan teachings as pointed out by a caller, Leland Conway, [whom I typically have immense respect for] host of the show, made a flippant and gloating 'well, we see who ended up on top on that one' remark. Now to avoid painting all Christians with the same brush, I will place my grievance squarely on the shoulders of Mr. Conway and those members of the 9/12 group by whom I am so reviled.
You see, while we are all sitting around chuckling at the Left, the Democrats in Congress who are so divided among themselves that they can't seem to get anything accomplished, we are in the same regrettable boat. At the moment, we are simply untested. Given the slightest opportunity, we will fracture into a myriad of subgroups and special interests, as well. I daresay, from my observation, that this brand of Christian conservative has banded with the Libertarian Independents in order to strengthen their cause but will turn on them in an instant to further the cause of Christianity. To them, that just makes good battle sense, since it is after all incumbent upon Christians to preach and convert as it is with Muslims which is why I usually classify both groups together under the same 'fundamentalist' label.
Now, I understand that this country was founded on Christian principles and I agree that we should hold to those principles. Moral integrity is essential to the well-being of our nation and a close relationship with a higher power is just as critical. But to assume that one cannot agree or live Christian ideals without being Christian is like saying that one cannot each Hummus unless they are Greek. Many religions offer similar teachings. Christians say "Do unto others..." and Wiccans have the Rede: "And it harm none, do as thou will."
[Deep breath] Sorry, I am getting off topic here...
My point is that I have long said that I fear fighting for the liberty of everyone to have a faction [ in this case Christian or Muslim fundamentalists] hijack the movement later and turn the blade in my direction or worse, that of my children. There will never come a time when all will be of one mind in politics or ethics or religion. That is the nature of humanity and also the beauty of our inherent diversity [the "diverse" we are naturally, not the kind that is the result of manipulation]. The danger is when one group eschews the moral imperatives of the cause for the sake of growth and loses its soul in the process. Pagans did this when they persecuted Christians during the later Roman empire and it actually contributed to not only the rise of Christianity but the decline of the empire and Paganism. Pagans have spent centuries being murdered for the beliefs they are reported to hold. All of it has led only to a soulless society steeped in false piety.
Before we allow ourselves to be swept away by our individual preferences, we need to hold true to the creed that we are claiming. If you do indeed believe in liberty, then you must believe in the liberty of all, whether or not they believe in the Creator that bestowed it. To do otherwise makes us worse than those who oppose personal liberty outright because it is self-serving and subversive.
As for Mr. Conway, I appreciate his personal faith and hope he continues his crusade for liberty and reduced government intervention. He will, however, be doing it with at least two fewer listeners to his radio show. Glenn Beck seems to have come to an understanding that still eludes his 3-6 time slot counterpart: That faith and the bond between a spiritual figure-head and the person is infinitely more important than belonging to the "right" group while doing it.
I may not agree with the Christian power-structure, hierarchy and their version of history and truth, but I will fight for their right to believe as they wish. I expect my choices to be as respected. If we cannot get a handle on this way of thinking now, then 2010, 2012 and every other change of power will be irrelevant and we will be caught in a cycle that does nothing to improve our situation.
We are all Americans and we all deserve liberty. No one is more entitled to it than another and we need to stop thinking that way.
The other day while listening to The Pulse on WLAP [that's talk radio for all you younguns, AM], as I am known to do, Pagans endured yet another slap from the Christian base. While admitting that the majority of Christmas holiday traditions are integrated from Pagan teachings as pointed out by a caller, Leland Conway, [whom I typically have immense respect for] host of the show, made a flippant and gloating 'well, we see who ended up on top on that one' remark. Now to avoid painting all Christians with the same brush, I will place my grievance squarely on the shoulders of Mr. Conway and those members of the 9/12 group by whom I am so reviled.
You see, while we are all sitting around chuckling at the Left, the Democrats in Congress who are so divided among themselves that they can't seem to get anything accomplished, we are in the same regrettable boat. At the moment, we are simply untested. Given the slightest opportunity, we will fracture into a myriad of subgroups and special interests, as well. I daresay, from my observation, that this brand of Christian conservative has banded with the Libertarian Independents in order to strengthen their cause but will turn on them in an instant to further the cause of Christianity. To them, that just makes good battle sense, since it is after all incumbent upon Christians to preach and convert as it is with Muslims which is why I usually classify both groups together under the same 'fundamentalist' label.
Now, I understand that this country was founded on Christian principles and I agree that we should hold to those principles. Moral integrity is essential to the well-being of our nation and a close relationship with a higher power is just as critical. But to assume that one cannot agree or live Christian ideals without being Christian is like saying that one cannot each Hummus unless they are Greek. Many religions offer similar teachings. Christians say "Do unto others..." and Wiccans have the Rede: "And it harm none, do as thou will."
[Deep breath] Sorry, I am getting off topic here...
My point is that I have long said that I fear fighting for the liberty of everyone to have a faction [ in this case Christian or Muslim fundamentalists] hijack the movement later and turn the blade in my direction or worse, that of my children. There will never come a time when all will be of one mind in politics or ethics or religion. That is the nature of humanity and also the beauty of our inherent diversity [the "diverse" we are naturally, not the kind that is the result of manipulation]. The danger is when one group eschews the moral imperatives of the cause for the sake of growth and loses its soul in the process. Pagans did this when they persecuted Christians during the later Roman empire and it actually contributed to not only the rise of Christianity but the decline of the empire and Paganism. Pagans have spent centuries being murdered for the beliefs they are reported to hold. All of it has led only to a soulless society steeped in false piety.
Before we allow ourselves to be swept away by our individual preferences, we need to hold true to the creed that we are claiming. If you do indeed believe in liberty, then you must believe in the liberty of all, whether or not they believe in the Creator that bestowed it. To do otherwise makes us worse than those who oppose personal liberty outright because it is self-serving and subversive.
As for Mr. Conway, I appreciate his personal faith and hope he continues his crusade for liberty and reduced government intervention. He will, however, be doing it with at least two fewer listeners to his radio show. Glenn Beck seems to have come to an understanding that still eludes his 3-6 time slot counterpart: That faith and the bond between a spiritual figure-head and the person is infinitely more important than belonging to the "right" group while doing it.
I may not agree with the Christian power-structure, hierarchy and their version of history and truth, but I will fight for their right to believe as they wish. I expect my choices to be as respected. If we cannot get a handle on this way of thinking now, then 2010, 2012 and every other change of power will be irrelevant and we will be caught in a cycle that does nothing to improve our situation.
We are all Americans and we all deserve liberty. No one is more entitled to it than another and we need to stop thinking that way.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Knowing your liberty
Part Two
I have been away for a while. Those who know me well know why. Suffice it to say that I have had my reasons.
During this time, I have had ample opportunity to ponder the second portion of my essay on personal liberty. Once we understand how the word itself has been mangled, it is easier to understand just how far we have moved from having personal liberty.
From the time we wake up in the morning, governmental interference is present. My children's pajamas come with a little tag to tell me to keep the clothing tight on the body and not to let them play too close to open flames. If I am such a dumb ass that I don't know instinctively know that, my children deserve a better mother. The EPA governs the quality of water I put into my coffee pot, the gas in the car I drive to work. The IRS takes "its cut" of the money I earn while I am there. Apart from my children, I have little control over what progressive propoganda they are being fed at public school. What's more, parents are further losing their right to decide about the health matters concerning their children. School officials are deeming what constitutes healthy food and what immunizations are "safe"*. After I vehemently refused to allow my children to get any of the 3 doses of various flu vaccine being pushed now, I was gape-jawed to hear my children begging for their school lunch of burgers and fries. They may not like the turkey on wheat, yogurt, and Gushers I give them as much, but I feel better about those offerings than my school districts generic rendition of a Happy Meal [*This has to be one of the most vexing and gut-wrenching problems in my life right now. ].
So our liberties are being peeled away like skin. The first couple of layers don't hurt so bad, but as you get closer to the core, the delicate center, it begins to hurt more and more and each additional layer lost becomes excruciatingly painful.
Growing up in a society that values pleasantness over principle and moral integrity, I have more than once been told to 'shut up and sit down'. My mother tried pounding submission into me. I was turned away from numerous job interviews by people who told me that I was more than qualified but they were concerned that I "wouldn't subjugate well". And they were right, I don't. I am seldom a follower. Coming to my own conclusions and 'dancing to the beat of my own drummer' often means dancing alone. And in a political atmosphere that is being dragged decidedly more left by corrupt politicians, PACs and a vulgarly- complicit media, dissenting voices screw up the cadence.
There are many who say that Healthcare has to be passed now. I say NO. Many say that man-made climate change is our greatest national threat and that Cap and Trade must be put into law. I say NOT ANOTHER SINGLE BILL. No more. Nothing. Until the spending, the deficit, and the corruption of our politicians and this administration are no longer threats to my liberty and that of my children, STOP EVERYTHING. I will fight with everything in me. I may do it alone, but I will not look into my children's eyes and have to explain to them why I did nothing when our country was selling them into slavery because liberty truly is the only thing that American are entitled to from birth.
I have been away for a while. Those who know me well know why. Suffice it to say that I have had my reasons.
During this time, I have had ample opportunity to ponder the second portion of my essay on personal liberty. Once we understand how the word itself has been mangled, it is easier to understand just how far we have moved from having personal liberty.
From the time we wake up in the morning, governmental interference is present. My children's pajamas come with a little tag to tell me to keep the clothing tight on the body and not to let them play too close to open flames. If I am such a dumb ass that I don't know instinctively know that, my children deserve a better mother. The EPA governs the quality of water I put into my coffee pot, the gas in the car I drive to work. The IRS takes "its cut" of the money I earn while I am there. Apart from my children, I have little control over what progressive propoganda they are being fed at public school. What's more, parents are further losing their right to decide about the health matters concerning their children. School officials are deeming what constitutes healthy food and what immunizations are "safe"*. After I vehemently refused to allow my children to get any of the 3 doses of various flu vaccine being pushed now, I was gape-jawed to hear my children begging for their school lunch of burgers and fries. They may not like the turkey on wheat, yogurt, and Gushers I give them as much, but I feel better about those offerings than my school districts generic rendition of a Happy Meal [*This has to be one of the most vexing and gut-wrenching problems in my life right now. ].
So our liberties are being peeled away like skin. The first couple of layers don't hurt so bad, but as you get closer to the core, the delicate center, it begins to hurt more and more and each additional layer lost becomes excruciatingly painful.
Growing up in a society that values pleasantness over principle and moral integrity, I have more than once been told to 'shut up and sit down'. My mother tried pounding submission into me. I was turned away from numerous job interviews by people who told me that I was more than qualified but they were concerned that I "wouldn't subjugate well". And they were right, I don't. I am seldom a follower. Coming to my own conclusions and 'dancing to the beat of my own drummer' often means dancing alone. And in a political atmosphere that is being dragged decidedly more left by corrupt politicians, PACs and a vulgarly- complicit media, dissenting voices screw up the cadence.
There are many who say that Healthcare has to be passed now. I say NO. Many say that man-made climate change is our greatest national threat and that Cap and Trade must be put into law. I say NOT ANOTHER SINGLE BILL. No more. Nothing. Until the spending, the deficit, and the corruption of our politicians and this administration are no longer threats to my liberty and that of my children, STOP EVERYTHING. I will fight with everything in me. I may do it alone, but I will not look into my children's eyes and have to explain to them why I did nothing when our country was selling them into slavery because liberty truly is the only thing that American are entitled to from birth.
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